Note: 1. To import Loan Approvals, you need to properly feel the Loan Approvals template.
2. The Loan approvals will only be possible for clients/members whose applications need approval should have already be entered/imported into Loan Performer
3. The importation files are located in the installation directory
4. The Loan Approvals importation file/template will look like one below:
To import loan approvals, go to Loans\Loan Importations\Import loan approvals. A screen like one below appears.
File type: Select the data type of file of your file to be imported. Loan Approval can be imported from three file formats i.e. dBase, Microsoft Excel or Tab delimited text files. Each of these files has a standard file format on how data should be arranged.
Import File: Click on the Choose button to browse to the location of the importation template you intend to import. The full path of the location of the file will be displayed here.
Error File: The name of the file to be imported which will appear here e.g "Approved.txt".
Imported Files: This scroll window lists all previously imported files.
Import file format: This scroll window lists the various fields of the file to be imported and their properties.
Import: Click on the import button to import the data from your file into Loan Performer. If the template is well filled the confirmation message below will appear: